Texas DSHS approved Food Handler Certification with "No Exam"

Learn2Serve DSHS approved for Texas Restaurants, Pubs, Food Trucks, Hotels and more - Since 2003

Texas Department of State Health Services "DSHS" approved food handler certification training with No Exam

How to get your Texas Food Handler Certification Card fast and easy

  1. First make your Food Handler or Food Handler and TABC Certification combo choice. You will be transferred to the enrollment page. We will not ask for credit card information until after you enroll.
  2. Note: The DSHS Food Handler Certification does not have an exam. If you take the Food Handler / TABC Combo will need to take a mandatory exam for the TABC portion only.
  3. After enrollment you will receive a confirmation email with course instructions
  4. All courses are self-paced. You can start and stop as often as you want. However, once you start the TABC exam you must finish it in one setting.
  5. Print your certificate after you pass the exam. (If you don't have a printer, you can log in and print on any one else's printer)
  6. Note: If you lost your certificate or just need another copy, you can log back in to reprint it. Reprint Certificate Here

TABC & Food Handler menu

Programa TABC # 454-508. Al hacer clic en el botón rojo, azul o verde (o INSCRIBIRSE AHORA) arriba, será redirigido al sitio web de Learn2Serve. Como proveedor de este curso, Learn2Serve solicitará la información de identificación personal requerida por TABC y es necesaria para completar el curso y el examen TABC. Al hacer clic en el botón rojo, azul o verde (o INSCRIBIRSE AHORA) no se le cobrará ninguna tarifa. Sin embargo, puede negarse a ser transferido a Learn2Serve eligiendo no hacer clic en el botón rojo, azul o verde (o INSCRIBIRSE AHORA)

DSHS Food Handler Topics

General overview of food safety •Who enforces food safety rules • Identifying food-borne illness and what causes it• Why I need to get Texas Food Handler • Identifying biological, physical, and chemical contamination • Importance of temperature control • Proper personal hygiene •Appropriate procedures for receiving and storing food • Proper cleaning and sanitation

TABC Certification Topics

Alcohol laws for  Texas minors • Laws about intoxicated persons • Why you need to get TABC • Preventing intoxication • How to identify minors •How to check identification and identify fake ID • What to do when intervention attempts fail •How alcohol effects a person's body • TABC law enforcement and minor sting operations •  Alcohol poisoning information • Texas Dram Shop Act • Spotting sexual assault drugs • Private club rules
Texas ANSI Accredited Food Handler Course Topics

TABC Contact Information

TABC Postal Address
P.O. Box 13127
Austin, TX 78711
1 (512) 206-3420
TABC Website

Food Handler Contact Information

Texas DSHS
P.O. Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714
1 (888) 963-7111
Texas DSHS Website

About DramShopSchool.com

We began in 1998 as a training company that conducted live group TABC Certification in Texas way back before anyone even heard of taking online classes. In 2003 we formed a partnership with 360Training /learn2Serve. We offer online Responsible Beverage Service Training, Food Manager Certification, Food Handler Card TexasTraining,  and Underground Storage Tank (UST) training in every state. We thank you for choosing us.
Thomas L. Conrad
President / CEO

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