Florida Florida UST Class A/B Operator Training

Florida UST Class A/B Operator Training

150.00 150.00
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  • Course Delivery: On Demand
  • Duration: 4 

Contact Us | Toll Free: 877-881-2235



"PASS' UST operator training course content is divided into chapters. Each chapter utilizes a combination of text, images, and narration, providing a multi-faceted learning experience for diverse learning styles. Each chapter is followed by a quiz. If the student answers a quiz question incorrectly, the application automatically redirects the student to the correct course information. The student is then given another opportunity to answer the quiz question. This reflexive quizzing model ensures comprehension of the course material and reinforces learner retention.

In addition to the quizzes, the UST Class A/B operator training course includes a final exam of 100 questions, 80% of which must be answered correctly in order to print a certificate. The trainee can complete the entire course in a single session (approximately 4 hours plus exam time) or take the course in segments."


Course Objectives

"Class A operators have primary responsibility for on-site operation and maintenance of a UST facility.

Class A operators:

Manage resources and personnel;
Maintain compliance with federal, state, and local regulations;
Ensure that required records are kept; and
Ensure that operators at the facility are trained to respond to releases, spills, and other emergencies.
Class A operators must be trained on:

Spill and overfill prevention;
Methods of release detection and corrosion protection;
Emergency response procedures;
Product and equipment compatibility;
Financial responsibility;
Registration and spill notification;
Release and suspected release reporting and recordkeeping;
Requirements for temporary and permanent closure; and
Training requirements for Class B and Class C operators.

Class B operators have responsibility for the daily operation and maintenance of a UST facility.

Class B operators:

Meet release detection recordkeeping and reporting requirements;
Meet release prevention recordkeeping and reporting requirements;
Ensure that equipment complies with industry standards; and
Train personnel to properly respond to emergencies caused by releases or spills.
Class B operators must be trained on:

Materials and components of UST systems, and their operation and maintenance;
Spill and overfill prevention;
Methods of release detection and corrosion protection;
Emergency response procedures;
Product and equipment compatibility;
Financial responsibility;
Registration and spill notification;
Release and suspected release reporting and recordkeeping;
Requirements for temporary and permanent closure; and
Training requirements for Class B and Class C operators."

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